From Our Sales Team at
Nectar Creek recognized our ability to make custom shape keg collars. Their unique shape and bright vivid artwork make their keg collars very noticeable in the market. By utilizing our ability to print multiple versions of the same size collar, they were able to affordably brand each of their flavors of meed. We really enjoyed working with this local pacific northwest company.
About Nectar Creek:
Nectar Creek was started by brothers Phillip and Nick Lorenz. The two of us had always dreamed of starting a business in our home state of Oregon that married our interests of agriculture and fermentation. Phillip was the foreman of a bee farm helping manage 5,000 beehives for about 8 years until he stopped working for them so we could focus on and get things going with Nectar Creek. We sold and bottled our first case of mead in Oct of 2012. As a company we focus on making session style meads. Mead by definition is its own category of alcohol defined by the fermentation of honey. Our session style meads are lower in abv, carbonated, dry and approached in a similar style to craft beer and cider. All of our meads are made from raw honey sourced locally and directly from sustainable beekeepers. Nectar Creek swept the session mead category at the Mazer Cup this spring, winning gold, silver and bronze at the world's largest mead competition.

About their Branding and Products:
All of our products are light, easy drinking and approachable and all of them start with the same foundation; raw unfiltered honey sourced directly from sustainable beekeepers. To take a step back and look at our brand it can be described pretty simply. Nectar Creek makes mead which is a relatively unknown category of alcohol and we have designed our brand around education of that category. Mead is made from honey and all of the brand has been focused on the bees, that make all of it possible. We come from a beekeeping background and it is very important for us that our brand and company is a direct support of local beekeepers and through that sustainable agriculture. All of the names of our products have a bee background, all of the images help tell the story of what is in the bottle. All of it ties into education about bees and mead.
Custom shaped keg collars with multiple versions for #NectarCreek A photo posted by (@kegcollars) on
What do I like about
Keg Collars have been a great partner and provide a top quality product. We have very detailed images and design for our keg collars and has been able to print our collars and capture all of the detail and provide a quality product. All of this has been done with great service and help.
To learn more about Nectar Creek, visit their Website, Facebook, or Instagram.